Moments of Clarity: Partnering with Mandy Moore
At first glance, it may not be obvious what 12-year-old Anna and Mandy Moore have in common. In many ways, Anna is a typical kid. She goes to school and is involved in several extracurricular activities. On the other hand, Mandy is an actress and singer who has been a household name for more than 20 years.
But Mandy and Anna, like 21 million Americans over the age of 12, both have atopic dermatitis (AD), the most common form of eczema. AD is a chronic, immune-mediated condition characterized by inflammation of the skin. While AD looks different for everyone, the symptoms—persistent itchy skin, dry and scaly patches or red lesions on the body—can be challenging to manage.
Mandy and Anna have joined forces on Moments of Clarity, a program that aims to raise awareness of the experiences of real people living with eczema, provide education about the condition and encourage others to speak to their healthcare providers.

Together with Incyte, Anna and Mandy hope Moments of Clarity will remind those with eczema they are not alone. To learn more about the program, and view Mandy and Anna and other patients’ stories, visit
Spokespeople have been compensated for their time participating in this program.