Advancing our Mission to Solve On.

In 2024, we made great strides in our mission to Solve On. through groundbreaking research, new approved treatments and our unwavering commitment to transforming patient care, we continued to push the boundaries of science—making a meaningful impact on patients’ lives.

This dedication led to the approval of our ninth product, a new treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), as well as regional approvals for our atopic dermatitis and vitiligo treatments. We also advanced pivotal studies in follicular lymphoma, non-small cell lung cancer and squamous cell anal carcinoma, with a focus on reshaping the treatment landscape for these patients.

Looking ahead, 2025 promises to be a transformational year for Incyte as we work to change the practice of medicine through our science and innovation. We anticipate four potential product launches, four pivotal trial readouts and at least three phase 3 study initiations across our Hematology/Oncology and Inflammation & Autoimmunity portfolio.

Fueled by a Solve On. spirit, we remain committed to turning challenges into opportunities and scientific breakthroughs into life-changing treatments for patients worldwide.

2023: How We Continue to Solve On. For Patients
Incyte Gets Involved